Gaelle Barfety, Head of school

Welcome to Lycée français international Jules Verne de Riga!

After ten years working as a deputy or head in French schools in London and Malaga, I now join the team of Lycée français international Jules Verne de Riga as head of school. 

This school in full development now welcomes more than 400 students from the TPS class up to the class of Terminale on three different sites. It is an AEFE partner school. The AEFE (Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger) is a French network that includes 535 establishments in 139 countries. Managed by a parents’ association, the Lycée français international Jules Verne de Riga is a non-profit organization.

I am committed to continue the work carried out by my predecessor, Mrs Audren Séguillon, with the implementation of a new school project this year, the result of a collective reflection.

The accreditation, regularly controlled by French National Education inspectors, guarantees both the conformity to the French educational model and the quality of the teaching provided. Jules Verne Riga French School thus offers a French education that carries universal values of tolerance, humanism, equality of opportunity, intellectual curiosity, promotion of critical thinking…

Choosing Lycée français international Jules Verne de Riga is therefore choosing an education ” à la française” that is both demanding and caring, international, with early language learning.

If the success of a school is measured by its exam results, excellence is the order of the day with 100% of the students passing the “Diplôme National du Brevet” (end of 9th grade) this year! However, not only it is a question of offering excellence to brilliant students, but Lycée français international Jules Verne de Riga is also an inclusive school in which all students find their place, in which each one can progress and aim for excellence.

I will end this introductory statement by recalling that, over and above success and diplomas , a school is the place where we learn together to build a society in which tolerance is a key word.

“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”   – Nelson Mandela

As I take up my duties and begin this “extraordinary journey” with you, I thank the Lycée Board for its trust and wish that the Lycée français international Jules Verne de Riga will be a place of fulfilment for your children. A place in which they will discover the exhilaration of learning and begin their journey to become enlightened citizens open to the world…

Happy new school year to all!

Gaelle Barfety