Lycée français international Jules Verne de Riga is a non-profit, private school, managed by an association of parents of pupils, the APECEF. Partially renewed each year, the association ensures the administrative and financial management of the school. The school board is the managing arm of the association. You can meet their members here.

The school council

The School Council is the forum for discussion between the educational community and parents. It is chaired by the school principal and composed of classroom teachers and representatives of parents.

The School Council decides on the establishment project, the internal rules, school schedules and calendar, and the list of positions for expatriate and local staff.

It also issues an opinion on proposals for changing educational structures and activities, the extracurricular programme, parents’ involvement in the school life, planning and funding school trips, organisation of school life, hygiene, health and safety issues, welcoming and supporting pupils with disabilities, and school meals.


On a day to day basis, the school direction is handled by our head of school Gaelle Barfety. She is assisted in this task with the head of primary Viviane Deregnaucourt and the chief financial officer Guna Zagorska.

Teachers and staff

On daily basis these are the ones who are in contact with your children and answer your needs.